Template type : 2 Sidebar, 3 Column, 4 Column footer, Adapted from WordPress, Brown, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Fresh, Header Banner, Left Sidebar, Magazine, Premium, Right Sidebar, Slider, Tabbed widget, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White.
Configure Meta tags
Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below codes :
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>Replace DESCRIPTION HERE,KEYWORDS HERE as below.
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
DESCRIPTION HERE:Write your blog description
KEYWORDS HERE:Write the keywords of your blog separated by comma.
How To Configure Favicon:
Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :
<link href='YOUR-FAVICON-URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>
Now replace "YOUR-FAVICON-URL" with your Favicon address/url.
any demo please?